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Electronic Text Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

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Electronic Text Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example

The game is a combination of community features and role playing elements, just like in other MMORPGs, such as item trading, guilds, and chat. The game gives the player a chance to select different skills as the person levels up. This game, like other games, has various purposes expected of the player to experience (Elswrod).
Rhetoric analysis means making arguments or claims about the video game. Video games features in procedural representations of material, social, and cultural aspects of human experience (Bogost 123). Elsword is an example of a videogame representing the entertainment aspect of human experience. A lot of action movies are characterised by the villain and the good heroes who sacrifice a lot to eliminate the villains. The heroes always have exceptional skills which they acquire through training and experience. Like real action movies, this video game has heroes with unique skills, and missions to accomplish.